Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


As the title reads I AM SICK.

That means 0 lines, 0 singing, 0 feeling good.

And I had to go to school 2 days I was sick because I had some major tests, and I'll have to go Friday (and maybe Thursday) as well, and it sucks... I'm like super miserable and I hate it D:

But I felt better when my friends all have my hugs cause' they felt bad (I wasn't SUPER bad when they hugged me, the meds were making me a bit better) but oddly enough it was basically all my guy friends who hugged me XD What happened was, I was walking to 4th period with my friend John and I gave him a sad "I'm so tired and sick hug" and he was all like "I hope you feel better" and I was like "thanks.. D:" and then Kiarah came up and was like "AWWW!!!" and I was like "ugh" and then I hugged Kiarah (my best friend) and she's like all tall so I totally boob hug her XD

So then I was all like "meh I'm sick" and Ezra was like (this is what I think he said, it was loud and I have bad memory) "Oh I'm sorry Katie, you need a hug" so then Ezra was hugging me, even though it was all crowded and everyone was running around but it was sweet of him (Ezra pwns all!) and so then Spencer was like "KATIE SIT DOWN YOUR IN MY WAAAAY!" and he pulled out my seat and made me sit down and was all like 'sad face'. And then I was complaining and he was like "FINE I'LL HUG YOU AFTER CLASS!!!" and I was like YAAAY! And so then after class I was trying to hug him.. and he hugged LJ first for some reason and then me and he's all tall so I had to stand on my tip-toes XD It was funny, but then I complained to him in 7th period about it and he bent down to my height and hugged me again XD And then I hugged John like 3 other times during the day XD He seemed SUPER P.O.-ed that I was hugging other guys cause' I usually don't XD I found it funny, him, not so much ^^"

Iz a hug whore~!


Saturday, May 15, 2010


Okay I'm reviewing Tanaka Reina's first photobook and Sugaya Risako's 4th photobook!!! :D Yaaaaay~!


First off I do like the book it's beautiful! But there are somethings I do not like.. her HAIR, first off it's too short, and it looks SOOO damaged. The colour is OK but I like her better with lighter hair.. There are a lot of really cute picture in there, my favorite is these too pages with her in this Yankee outfit, she's got a really long white jacket that says "TANAKA REINA" on the back (in Kanji and Hiragana though) and she's got like cloth around her hands and red streaks in her hair :3

Now about the actual like BOOK! I must say it, I HATE THE COVER. So many other pictures would have made a better cover, like the one on the first page.. so much better..... But as you should know don't judge a book by it's cover~! Another thing I HATE is that there is SO MUCH JUST RANDOM WHITE SPACE! It's like NOTHING on it, there will be a little picture or something, and the rest WHITE. It's so lame...

Over all this photobook gets a 7 out of 10.


The first photobook I ever got <3 I really love it! I think Rii-chan is so beautiful, I her hair, and how they put in extensions~! The setting is really nice, and it makes her look very in touch with nature :3 I like (almost) all of her outfits! And just omg, this is a GOOD photobook~!

Now for this stuff I DISLIKE. Okay I do not like this one black bikini she wears it's SO ugly and SO unflattering, I just HATE it.. Plus it looks like a bra and panties. I also don't like these couple pictures where she's wearing this shall thing on her head.. it just looks weird. AND THEN! In this bikini scene you see her feet and her toenails look SUPER gross XD I think it's because she'd been on the beach, but just "BLEH!!" :3

Over all this photobook gets a 9 out of 10


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Gomennn for not keeping up on my blog ^^" But I want to say some songs I'm planning to.. dub? XD

~My magical song list of sexy ness~
1. Yume Kara Samete- Takahashi Ai
2. Haru no Arashi- Mano Erina
3. Hajimete no Keiken- Mano Erina

Please look out for these dubs!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Strawberryz Project changes?

YES! S!P is going to be a-changin'! I'm excited, but I'm afraid some of the members will quit D: Ohhhhhh well~! The changes will probably be announced on like Tuesday or Friday :D

Also what do you guys think are singles should be?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Friends?

A lot of you may not know this, but a while ago (December 2009 I believe) I got into a big arguement with Hana Project and IroKokoroProject (well it wasn't the leader, it was some girl named Kayla..). But anyways, I was like all upset and being super ridiculous and stuff(pms-ing much?), and it was just a big mess, and a big mistake on my part!

So then Hana Project tried to solve things with me, and we talked for a long time (which is why I think so highly of them), but one thing that bothers me is that they don't get along with IKP~! Now at the time I was like crying and was all like "I HATE IKP!" and so I just believed everything they said, and was really mean to IKP D: Later the leader tried to apologize to me, and I just yelled at her and blocked them.

So as you can see that was a BIG MISTAKE. And I still feel bad. So a day or so ago I went back to IKP and apologized, and now me and Takii have been talking for a while. I really thought she was a bad person back when we had are conflict (even though the person who said mean stuff was Kayla and me, she didn't do anything...), and now I feel really bad about dis-liking her~ Now I am fulling supporting IKP, and hope to become good friends with Takii! She's VERY nice! And I really have been enjoying talking to her~! It's nice!

YAAY IKP! AND YAAY FOR NEW FRIENDS! :D So what better to do then feature an IKP release on this blog-post? :3


It's 'First Kiss'! :3 I don't really know the Emerald girl, but she's really good!
I think Michi fits Saho really REALLY well! And Karen.. omfg she's sooo good, LOVE HER! <33333

Well that's all for now minna!
