Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


As the title reads I AM SICK.

That means 0 lines, 0 singing, 0 feeling good.

And I had to go to school 2 days I was sick because I had some major tests, and I'll have to go Friday (and maybe Thursday) as well, and it sucks... I'm like super miserable and I hate it D:

But I felt better when my friends all have my hugs cause' they felt bad (I wasn't SUPER bad when they hugged me, the meds were making me a bit better) but oddly enough it was basically all my guy friends who hugged me XD What happened was, I was walking to 4th period with my friend John and I gave him a sad "I'm so tired and sick hug" and he was all like "I hope you feel better" and I was like "thanks.. D:" and then Kiarah came up and was like "AWWW!!!" and I was like "ugh" and then I hugged Kiarah (my best friend) and she's like all tall so I totally boob hug her XD

So then I was all like "meh I'm sick" and Ezra was like (this is what I think he said, it was loud and I have bad memory) "Oh I'm sorry Katie, you need a hug" so then Ezra was hugging me, even though it was all crowded and everyone was running around but it was sweet of him (Ezra pwns all!) and so then Spencer was like "KATIE SIT DOWN YOUR IN MY WAAAAY!" and he pulled out my seat and made me sit down and was all like 'sad face'. And then I was complaining and he was like "FINE I'LL HUG YOU AFTER CLASS!!!" and I was like YAAAY! And so then after class I was trying to hug him.. and he hugged LJ first for some reason and then me and he's all tall so I had to stand on my tip-toes XD It was funny, but then I complained to him in 7th period about it and he bent down to my height and hugged me again XD And then I hugged John like 3 other times during the day XD He seemed SUPER P.O.-ed that I was hugging other guys cause' I usually don't XD I found it funny, him, not so much ^^"

Iz a hug whore~!



  1. ghehehe... you hug whore! Me wants a hug too ='[
    And you shouldn't be sick >[ *hits sickness with a cookie*
