Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Friends?

A lot of you may not know this, but a while ago (December 2009 I believe) I got into a big arguement with Hana Project and IroKokoroProject (well it wasn't the leader, it was some girl named Kayla..). But anyways, I was like all upset and being super ridiculous and stuff(pms-ing much?), and it was just a big mess, and a big mistake on my part!

So then Hana Project tried to solve things with me, and we talked for a long time (which is why I think so highly of them), but one thing that bothers me is that they don't get along with IKP~! Now at the time I was like crying and was all like "I HATE IKP!" and so I just believed everything they said, and was really mean to IKP D: Later the leader tried to apologize to me, and I just yelled at her and blocked them.

So as you can see that was a BIG MISTAKE. And I still feel bad. So a day or so ago I went back to IKP and apologized, and now me and Takii have been talking for a while. I really thought she was a bad person back when we had are conflict (even though the person who said mean stuff was Kayla and me, she didn't do anything...), and now I feel really bad about dis-liking her~ Now I am fulling supporting IKP, and hope to become good friends with Takii! She's VERY nice! And I really have been enjoying talking to her~! It's nice!

YAAY IKP! AND YAAY FOR NEW FRIENDS! :D So what better to do then feature an IKP release on this blog-post? :3


It's 'First Kiss'! :3 I don't really know the Emerald girl, but she's really good!
I think Michi fits Saho really REALLY well! And Karen.. omfg she's sooo good, LOVE HER! <33333

Well that's all for now minna!



  1. I didn't get through to IKP's audition I feel sad haha XD
    Oh well ~ As they always say... Better luck next time..if there is a next time ^^; That's great that you made new friends :D

  2. YOU SHOULD'VE GOTTEN IN <3 Iz lubs your voice!
    haha yuup! I'll root for youuu~
