Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hanabi Opens a Blog?

Yup that's right peoplez~! Hanabi Project might open a blog :) It's going to be similar to that of "Blabodu", but the main thing that will be different is it will NOT be reviewing Hana Project or IKP :D Because we all know they are amazing project, why do we need to talk about them more? The comment section is for that people :3 We will be reviewing project that are new or not very well known, because you know there are some good project out there that people just DON'T know about, because they never hear about them, well that's what this blog shall be for :D

Now first off, if you're like "OMG WHY ARE THEY NOT REVIEWING HANA PRO AND IKP?!?!! WHAT THE HECK YOU STUPID HATERS!" okay people we are NOT haters. I'm pretty sure everyone in the project likes either Hana Pro or IKP, or both. Personally I am biased to IKP only because I really am fond of Takii, I talk to her every once in a while, and we tend to have a lot in common. BUT on the other hand I do like Hana Pro because Sayuri helped me get into dubbing on her account BEFORE xmikupinkux, so I'm very thankful about that. Okay so to explain MORE why I like IKP more is that they don't release like EVERY day. I don't have enough time to watch Hana Pro releases so I like never do... But IKP is like once a week (or so), so I have something to look forward to :)

BACK TO THE HANABI BLOG. Well I'm not really sure WHO'S going to be posting, but I know My-chan will be reviewing all the Hanabi Dubs because she does NOT sing with the main groups, so it's, well it's hard to explain, but she's like not in the big group so she, ARG ASK KERRI!

Okay so here's some stuff from our Forum that have to do with the blog (tis' copied from the blog)
"OK! we can make a subforum or topic and post projects or groups we come across or even new solos and fandubs"- MomoK

"My-chan - we can't write about any project WE are in - it makes it fairer and we won't be biased - I'll also need to get word out because Blabodu is HIGHLY popular >.>"-Kerri (Leader)

(These next quotes are us trying to come up with a blog name XD)
"Project Unbiased? xD hahahahahahahahahha NOOO for my one >.> Universal Project?"">Kerri (Leader)

"THE dubbing universe no I'm not really creative... xD"-My-chan

(Back to other stuff)
"Here's my take on this.

I do like the idea of having our own dub blog. Since there's only one blog out there (Blabodu; not counting World of Dubbing because Kerri says that it's slow), there's got to be room for more dub blogs out there. This isn't an insult on Blabodu - it's just plain impossible for one blog to cover everything about a subject.

That being said, we need to find a way to differentiate ourselves from Blabodu.

I do like the idea of not focusing on the "superstar" dub groups. I don't have anything against superstar dub groups in general - after all, these girls are doing what they like, and it's fine with me - but I do want to see more amateur (using this in a good way) and even pick-up dubs being covered. These amateur dubbers might not sound like idols, but they make up a majority of the dubbing world. Let's face it - if you're a normal person like me and work three part-time jobs while going to school, you don't have time to join a superstar dub group. Of course, we can review the superstar dub groups from time to time.

We could start with groups that we're in, but have someone who is not in the group cover the group. For example, I'm in Totally Up! Project, and someone not in that project can review our newest concert. Kerri, maybe you can review Kisetsu Project because I and a few others here are in it. Start with our connections and build outward.

About the catty dubbers - unfortunately, they're everywhere. I'm not going to mention names here, but all I can say is that not all superstar dubbers are catty, and not all catty dubbers are superstar dubbers. If you want to talk about some issues in general, let's make a password protected forum about this - I don't want to force individual people to review dubbing groups that they don't like, but I also don't want visitors coming to the forum to take this post out of hand. Either way, let's be better than the rude people by not being catty ourselves."-Corsica (yuup she types a lot)

"Again, Corsica is very organised - just cos I do't like a dub doesn't mean I will be catty or what not and if I don't like the person I won't be catty - but I won't let Peach-fuzz and Bananaface get close to anything they hate - they can be catty, especially Bananaface
I won't be catty or rude - I just want to try my hand at doing this blog thing because Blabodu is the only one out there, and she prefers to talk about the groups that EVERYONE loves and that means amateur or new groups don't get a look in - she's sweet but she is overly biased"-Kerri (Leader)

Thursday, June 24, 2010


So today was full of recording.... I had to do all my Hanabi lines, and then all my Ikimono lines -___-"

Ikimono Idol is this new project that I'm a subleader in. I'm the only subleader, and I run Team B.

Our 1st single is...

Seishun Dream Party
A-side: Seishun Collection (Morning Musume)
B-side: Yume Miru 15sai (S/mileage)
C-side: PARTY TIME (Guardians 4)

We all got our names changed (like in Hana Project and IKP), but it's too animal names (WTF?!). I was rabbit (in Japanese, i forget what it was) but I changed it to Koneko (KITTEN :D)

So yea, how has your life been?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Photobook troubles



Okay so I'm deciding between Kamei Eri and Takahashi Ai... I wish their were more choices D:< I mean I could always get a Rika pb, but I don't want one haha XD

Comment telling me who's photobook you would get (any H!P idol, not just Eri and Ai)

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yup I said I would review it.. AND NAOW THE TIME HAS COME! :D (tis 3:14 am so I'm slightly loopy)

First off Kusumi Koharu is so cute, but I hate her teeth!! D:< 

Moving on...

I adore this photobook, there is SO much colour in it! And every photo is so.. amazing! I mean there is not a SINGLE picture I truely could say I "dislike" she just looks so happy! :D IT MAKES ME MISS HER!

What about bikini shots? WHAT ABOUT THEM?! There are plently young wota's! Not so many that  it turns into a Maimi pb, but enough... And god are they adorble! :3

This was a really great photobook people, really :D

Final Rating- 100/10

Friday, June 18, 2010


OMG. I REALLY WANT TO GET A NEW PHOTOBOOK (okay not just one, like 3)

But wholey crap I cannot decide YET again. THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD :D As usual I'll list my choices and then you butt-faces better help me! (jk jk ur not butt faces, unless you don't comment!!!!!!!!!!)


1. Takahashi Ai (like 3 different pbs)

2. Tsugunaga Momoko

3. Niigaki Risa

4. Sugaya Risako

5. Suzuki Airi

6. Berryz Kobo (group pb)

8. Tanaka Reina

9. Kusumi Koharu

10. Hiro Mizushima (a SUPER hawt actor... Dude this guy.. will.....idk.. amaze you)

SUCH A HARD CHOICE. They are ALL possible canidates for amazing photobooks.. but which one will be the best? For a guy pb idk what to expect (never boughten one) for a girl pb I expect the usual, but for a photobook to be "good" to me, means it must not be ALL bikini shots, I mean I don't MIND them, but when it's like ALL bikini shots it bothers me. (I FEEL PERVERTED!) I think Risa's pb would be a lot of bikini shots, I'm not sure about Airi's or Reina's though..... I MEAN IT'S HARD! YOU PEOPLE MUST HELP ME!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The title explains what I'm going to talk about ne?
You hate Sayumin? I HATE YOU! D:<

Sayumi is so unfairly picked on. I mean really what did she do? She gets picked on for things that are NOT even her fault!!!

1. Bad Skin
SO WHAT IF SHE HAS ACNE? NO ONE is perfect, and um yea TONS of people have it, including those who pick on her.

2. Bad Voice
Okay there are a lot of H!P members that have bad voices, but people still adore them, plus Sayu really has improved!

3. Thinking She's Cute
Doesn't everyone think they look cute every once in a while!? So what's wrong with her saying it out loud?

And it's WOMEN who hate her.. FIGURES RIGHT?! All these bitches are hating on her just cause' they wish they WERE her! If and when I get into Morning Musume (haha not saying I have much of a chance) I will become VERY good friends with Sayumi so I can support her through all of the critique.



Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Photobook Reviews

So in the mail as you know I got Ai-chan and Maimi's pbs~ Now I shall review them :)

First up Yajima Maimi

Okay this is her 2nd photobook I am reviewing (the second one she released, not the second I own.. I only have 1 of hers)

Outer Cover- Okay, kinda depressing
Inner Cover- HATE IT. Her boobs look weird o.o

In the beginning I was flipping through thinking "Man, now I kinda wish I'd gotten Suzuki Airi's pb, but Maimi's fit so it should be okay" and I was totally digging all the happy smiley pics of Maimi :D So it was all good.... until we got about a 1/3 of the way through. IT ALL WENT DOWN HILL.

First off out of the 5 pb's I own this is the one with the MOST bikini shots which I did NOT expect, I thought Ai's or Koharu's would but NO. That title is claimed by Maimi. No, DOMINATED by Maimi. It's horrible! Maimi has a nice body and stuff but she's REALLY skinny, and she kinda has abs and she doesn't really have much curve and the list goes on~

SECONDLY. WTF IS WITH ALL THESE SEDUCTION LOOKS?! After all the smiles she gets all these serious or sexy or SEDUCTION looks on her face, my face was not like "OH YES THAT'S HOT" it was more like "OMFG WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!"

Final Rating- 5/10

Takahashi Ai's PB Review (it's an older one.. it was before she cut it short for onna ni sachi are)

Outer Cover- Okay front kinda boring back cute
Inner Cover- SEXUSHII! :D Love it

So looking through this I'm like "Well this is gonna be a bikini parade, ne?" but I don't see bikini shots so I'm like "EH?!" instead of bikini shots it's a bunch of her in water wearing a dress, playing dead(?) Well whateva, it was creative I'll give her that much.....

So then the bikini shots came, and they were.. NICE! :3 Ai's got the body for bikini's so why not show it off? That's all I'm sayin' people~! I love her cute expressions, and I really love her true natural expressions, which you can tell if they're real or forced (in Maimi's pb the seduction looks were forced..) But it was a nice photobook. I plan to buy another one of Ai's soon because I really like them!

Final Rating- 10/10

P.S.- I'll review Koharu's POP pb wheneva I can


Just checked my mail and YATTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Maimi and Ai-chan pbs were in thur! <3 Ahhhhh~! I haven't looked through them yet but I'm SUPER happy! :D (when I saw them I started jumping up and down and screaming, my neighbors must wonder about me~)

I'm gonna record anataboshi now since I'm so PUMPED!!!! :D

-dances with her pbs-

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sorry for not posting in a while...


Sorry for the hiatus I just didn't know what to talk about :)

I'm really loving CN Blue and (my future husband's band) F.T Island
Lee Hong Ki is my future husband <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

As I told bananacho he's on my "I wanna tap that" list :)
1. Lee Hong Ki
2. Jang Geun Suk
3. Jung Yong Gwa
4. Ahmon (from the drama "Devil Beside You" idk his real name)

Now I got a phone yesterday so I have baka-chan the banana the number (that's what her name is programmed into my phone as haha XD) and so this is some of our conversation last night/ this morning (B- banana face P- peachii face)

(we're talking about Ahmon)

P: He's more badass~
B: :D SO HE'S LIKE ANGRY?!?!?!?!??!?!
P:He's from dby, idk his name in rl but he's hella good looking!! He does that half smile angry does and he pretended to punch a girl and then kissed her like angry did!!

(another part)

P: Playa boy <333333

lol XD and there's a lot more :3