Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Thursday, April 29, 2010


My Birthday is coming up YAAAAAAAAAAY!
May 26th.. WHICH HAPPENS TO BE THE RELEASE DAY OF S/MILEAGE'S DEBUT SINGLE. Amazing right? I'm sooo happy <3

So like I want a lot of stuff from yestyle, hmv-online, hellostoreusa, ebay, sephora, etc....~

I'm supposed to get an iPod touch from my dad~ Lots of stuff from my mom though.. My dad hates buying presents, plus he's like ALWAYS out of town so I never see him XD

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oliviaaa and my project

So here is me.. and Olivia blogging while doing a project. But the other girl Galen didn't come, well as Olivia pointed out "hasn't showed up yet" but she was supposed to come at 1pm, and it's already 2pm D: COME ON GALEN WE'RE WAITING FOR YOU!

Anyways, it's a history project and we're doing a script thingy, and it's all about Broadway. It's going to be interesting.... 


Friday, April 23, 2010


Ugh I'm really tired but I'm watching this drama + learning Otabeki boy WAO!..... meh~

Does anyone know what you're supposed to open digital photobooks with? Like what program? Cause' nothing ever works for me....

Did you know Maimi is getting a new PB? Miyabi like SERIOUSLY needs a new one.. same with Chinami, Yurina, MAASA, Reina, Risa, and Airi~ Probably more people but yea (I'm only listing ppl who already HAVE a pb)

The drama I'm watching is "Nobuta wo Produce". It's really good, the three main characters are all some of my favorite Japanese actors/actress/singers... Kazuya Kamenashi (As Kiritani Shuuji), Tomohisa Yamashita (As Kusano Akira), and Horikita Maki (As Kotani Nobuta). It's really good~ But it will NEVER EVER EVER live up to "Kimi to Petto" with Jun Matsumoto, and the girl who played Sumire-chan~ Yush I love that drama, and Jun. He's soooo amazing! ARASHI RULES!

Anyways I'm sad cause' I've been getting 0 comments on my blog posts lately D: IF YOU COMMENT I FEEL LOVED!


Thursday, April 22, 2010


If your in Wakusei Project & Hanabi Project you know about both, Wakusei members know about one~


NEW RELEASE! Onna ga medatte naze ikenai by Hanabi Project WOOOO!
I would really appreciate it if you would go check us out! You won't be disapointed! (I'm singing as Tanaka-san)


Drama o.o (btw this is just copied from the message I sent to the Wakusei's)

We were talking, and I think he's going to die young and then he was like "Well I know you won't come to my funeral cause' you don't care about me.." And I was like "WHAT!? I'd come, how heartless do you think i am?" and he was like "LIAR" and I was like "I'd be crying and stuff and then my make up would smear and I'd be embarrassed! " and then he said "And you'd leave" and I was like "WELL YOU WOULDN'T COME TO MY FUNERAL!" and he was like "yea I would cause' i care about you" and then I was frustrated XD So basically he thinks I can't care about him but he can care about me! WTF! D:< And then the teacher in the class I was in was tired of me talking so she moved me over by my best friend (fail?)

SO THEN TODAY! (more about John... XD)
I was with my bffl Kiarah and I was like "GIMME A MINT!" (cause she had a bunch of mints and I wanted one) and she was like "OK BESTIE!" and I was like "YAAAAAY I LOVE YOU!" and gave her a big hug (yes I got lots of weird looks.. plus a teacher was watching us hahaha) then John was their so I gave him a hug too and was like "..... I LIKE YOU AS A FRIEND!" and ran into my 5th period. I could hear Kiarah laughing (loudly) when I went it XD Poor John XDDDD


(not part of the wakusei message from here on)

So basically John said he cared about me (he said it yesterday, but the mint thing was today) and then this morning he took my energy drink and drank it out of my kawaii hello kitty bottle XD It was so funny! But I was like "GIVE IT BACK GIVE IT BACK DON'T DRINK IT ALLLLLLLLL!" he was like "okay okay..." lol he's so cute!
BTW I DO NOT LIKE HIM! AND HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND! (I'm not your boyfriend BABY!.. it's a song)

Anyways, more pictures to come and HOO RAA I BOUGHT A REINA PB!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010



And DAYUMN!! She looks hot!! Go Sayu! :3

Now I know a lot of people hate Sayumi, but I like her! And yes I know she cannot sing in the least XD But she's gotten so much better from when she first joined, plus she's really cute :D But I recently found out that Ai apparently doesn't like her -___-"

Anyways the title is "La" (but the 'a' has a line-y thing over it) and it's really pretty cover, EVEN though it's a bikini cover (which I don't like..)


Sunday, April 18, 2010


Lol I love making these pictures! I have a varity this time, no Koha-pinku this time though D: But enjoy them! If you have a certain idol you want me to do a whole picture post on JUST ASK! I'm happy to help! (If you want to send me pictures that you want me to put stuff on I'll do that too~)

My favorite of the pictures is the one of Gaki-san <3


Saturday, April 17, 2010


As the title says... look how kawaii she is? DAISUKI!
btw I edited all the pictures, some of them are SUPER lame but gomenn D:
Please tell me which you like the most!

lol, I want to make this the bg for the Wakusei Project channel, even though I LOVE THE PIKACHUU <3

-List of who ppl are.. this was random btw-
Yaguchi Mari- Peachii (Me)
Niigaki Risa- Mommy Wakusei
Fujimoto Miki- Rii
Michishige Sayumi- Kuri
Kamei Eri- Mati
Ogawa Makoto- Prince Ayu
Konno Asami- Kerri
Iida Kaori- Sootie
Tanaka Reina- Risa
Takahashi Ai- Lady Nae
Yosizawa Hitomi- Robo Meche
Ishikawa Rika- Ayuchii

Do you like it Wakusei Membaars?


I don't sleep well.. AND I HATE AKB48

So it's 3:52am and I'm awake and my friends are sleeping XD


Anyways about AKB48.
A lot of people really like them, and hate H!P, or like both, or are smart and hate AKB48 and love H!P.
Hello! Project girls HAVE their limits, they won't do anything to skanky.
But AKB48? NO LIMITS. I've seen pictures in their photobooks, all I can say is they are some serious whores who just want attention, dude their were pictures were they took off their bikini tops.

Now I don't know about you but for me that's disgusting and anyone who would do that on camera has NO self respect and is a complete and utter loser who is the lowest type of women their is. As you can probably tell I also feel this way about things like porn XD H!P girls KEEP their clothes on, and that makes me happy (just btw I'M A GIRL... I don't like seeing other girls naked, it grosses me out unless they're babies or something, because I mean seriously.. it's a baby!) So AKB48 is full of skanks. If you wanna try to make me change my mind GO AHEAD AND TRY! D:<
(The picture at the top is showing what WHORES they are... I have NEVER seen all the H!P girls gather together all close like that before, maybe just the GROUPS but they're not like on top of each other NASTY WHORES)

So I still hate AKB48. And it's NOT changing..


Friday, April 16, 2010


So today I had 2 friends over
Whitley:: The short and stubby one who wears special undies
Lianna:: The slightly emo one, who is dating an older man (84)

Okay I'm kidding about her bf being 84.. he's even OLDER.

Anyways, my other friend Cassie-yum-yums(?) was supposed to come over but her mom made her watch "Up!" with her Grandma... Her Grandma hates her and her mom is paying her to hang out with Cassie.. loser

And I won everything on my ebay! Except the Reina pb is still going on.. I'm hoping to win :3 Losers keep out bidding me GOD DAMMIT!

Anyways I hope you all have a LOVLEY weekend and rest of day!
I'm going to go eat more junk food and die an early death WOO! ;3


Thursday, April 15, 2010

I bid on WAY to much ebay stuff

As the title reads "I bid on WAY to much ebay stuff".. D:< But I love getting H!P stuff, and I (plan) to buy H!P trading cards for all the lovely members of Wakusei, but currently I can't do that because..
A. Don't have the money D:
B. Don't know if some of the members are OK with me sending them stuff (Because I'd have to have name, and address XD)

So for now that project is on hold -____- I bought a CD for Sootie (Onna ga medatte naze ikenai) but my parents won't let me ship it. -____________-
I'm gonna ask my dad again though XDD (YAY FOR HARASSING PARENTS!)

So today I tried to talk to my friend who things between us has been really awkward because apparently he was going to ask me out, but it was for a bet, but then he was like "I don't even need the money I'll ask her out anyways", so idk if that meant that he really wanted to ask me out or not D: But it doesn't matter.. ALL third period he refused to look over at me or talk to me or ANYTHING to me, I was sooo lonley. But in fourth period he smiled at me XD So I was like "YUSH! EYE CONTACT!" XD Then I tried to talk to him after fifth period and it was like really weird cause' a bunch of my friends were there and he looked SUPER uncomfortable -__-" So basically I'm back at square one.

I have a bunch of super important tests coming up and I am soo not excited for them, because they're all around my birthday, which sucks...

BUT NEXT YEAR our last day of school is ON my birthday.. Isn't that AMAZING <3 But it's kinda gonna suck because people like to ask me out on the last day of school AND my birthday so double the people? (Last year like 4 people tried to ask me out on the last day of school.. too bad for them another guy asked me the day before and I was an idiot and sad yes XD) I'll try to avoid the boy drama though :3

Anyways I'll talk to you later!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


YES! My cd's finally came and I was having a really bad day (allergies make my throat super dry, one of my guy friends is having major drama with me, my mom is annoying) so it was "Onna ga medatte naze ikenai" CD, "Tomodachi wa Tomodachi nanda" CD, and "Tsugunaga Momoko" card (it's from like "Koi no jubaku" times).

Pretty awesome, I'm loving the cd's... all so pretty :3
So to rub it in Kiwiki's face I decided to count my cds.. and after 3 months(?) of collecting I'm happy to say I have 18 cds! :3 (there are some dvd's, but they are in cd cases SO THEY COUNT)

1. Onna ga medatte naze ikenai CD :: Morning Musume
2. Tomodachi wa tomodachi nanda CD :: Berryz Kobo
3. Goto Maki 2004 Spring DVD(?) :: Goto Maki (?)
4. VERY BEAUTY CD+DVD :: Berryz Kobo
Tsukiatteru no ni Kataomoi CD+DVD :: Berryz Kobo
6. Watashi no mirai no dama-sama CD :: Berryz Kobo
7. Koi no Vacance CD :: W
8. Gag100 kaibun aishite kudasai CD :: Berryz Kobo
9. MADAYADE CD :: Berryz Kobo
10. Onna ni sachi are CD :: Morning Musume
11. Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba CD+DVD :: Berryz Kobo
12. Ai no imi wo oshiete DVD :: W
13. Nanchuu Koi wo Yatteruu YOU KNOW? CD :: Berryz Kobo
14. Renai Revolution 21 CD :: Berryz Kobo
Dschinghis Khan CD :: Berryz Kobo
16. 21 Made no Cinderella CD :: Berryz Kobo
Anata Nashi de wa Ikite Yukenai CD :: Berryz Kobo
Edo no Temari Uta II :: C-ute

Sayonara :3


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Allergies Suck as much as Beckii Cruel


I didn't go to school today because mine are that bad.... it makes me sad T^T

I woke up at 3am, and starting crying (And I NEVER cry) because I was just so fed up with my allergies. But my mom got me a crap load of new medicine to try to control my horrible allergies.

Sadly I cannot sing at ALL right now (ex. http://www.mediafire.com/?uarmtzmqnmo) that's me singing 'Rainbow Pinku' as Sayumi, it's not the full song because I can't get high notes at ALL. If you like the way my voice sounds now maybe I'll try to sing something for you, but it will be super nasally.

And yes that means I can't do any lines so my dear projects, GOMEN NE D:< Thank god I did all my Wakusei lines before I got bad, but I can't do my Creme! Project lines T^T And that sucks.... gomen Sayuri D:

Well back to talking to the Wakusei Family, Sayonara~

Monday, April 12, 2010


It's been SO long since I actually posted something XD
Too lazy I guess? idk, but now I'll try to update more often!

So currently I'm waiting for my "Tomodachi wa tomodachi nanda"CD, "Onna ga medatte naze ikenai"CD, and Tsugunaga Momoko card to come in the mail :D

I hate waiting, I'm super impatient.

On ebay I'm bidding on *goes to look*
1. Going On! CD:: Guardians 4
2. Our Songs CD :: Buono!
3. Gachinko de ikou! CD + DVD :: Buono!
4. Otona ni narutte muzukashii! CD :: S/mileage
5. Tanaka Reina photobook :: 1st photobook

I'm really excited! And I super hope I win everything if I don't I'll be sad D:

Well anyways I'm going to go.. do stuff?

SUB TO ME ON YOUTUBE! (animeobsessed40)