Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Friday, April 16, 2010


So today I had 2 friends over
Whitley:: The short and stubby one who wears special undies
Lianna:: The slightly emo one, who is dating an older man (84)

Okay I'm kidding about her bf being 84.. he's even OLDER.

Anyways, my other friend Cassie-yum-yums(?) was supposed to come over but her mom made her watch "Up!" with her Grandma... Her Grandma hates her and her mom is paying her to hang out with Cassie.. loser

And I won everything on my ebay! Except the Reina pb is still going on.. I'm hoping to win :3 Losers keep out bidding me GOD DAMMIT!

Anyways I hope you all have a LOVLEY weekend and rest of day!
I'm going to go eat more junk food and die an early death WOO! ;3


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