Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Oh why yes I DID get a laptop :3

It's a toshiba, netbook and it's blue and cute

I really like it and have had few problems with it (just some slow loading, and REFUSING TO OPEN ITUNES?!?!?!)

So apparently now my dad will be reading my blog so I must be careful of what I post.... lolz, I might actually be making new blog on the site "hellosayunii" is on titled "HelloFTPeach" :3 YAY!

Went to registration.. exciting XD So yea basically! Now I'm looking at clothes on "forever21.com"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Imma on a frickin ROLL! XD

So now time for RANDOM H!P PV REVIEWS! Yee-ha. XD I'm like in the mood to review shit so IKUZOU MINNA-SAN!

Song- Bye Bye Bye!
Artist- ℃-ute
Members at the time- Umeda Erika, Yajima Maimi, Nakajima Saki, Suzuki Airi, Okai Chisato, and Hagiwara Mai

The dance outfits are cute, kinda futuristic? I didn't like the one they put on Chisato, it just didn't look good... Nakki's was my favorite, it was just CUTE.
The close up outfits are hideous and I hate them XD

It looks fun. Too much clapping in ℃-ute songs. XD I really like the instrumental break part dance sooo cute :3

Good..? I mean it seems like a lot of vocal 'messing around with' cause' the auto-tune...

[Rating and other thoughts]
3/10 Least Favorite ℃-ute song by far.... XD

Song- Maji Bomber!! 「本気ボンバー!!」
Artist- Berryz工房
Members at the time- Shimizu Saki, Tsugunaga Momoko, Tokunaga Chinami, Sudou Maasa, Natsuyaki Miyabi, Kumai Yurina, and Sugaya Risako

Kick ass. I would totally wear most of them :3 JUST NEVER. EVER. Miyabi's head band thing.. Oh how I hate that. XD My favorites are Momoko, Saki, and Yurina's YAY!

Fits the song, easy, fun, just over all NAISU!

AMAZING. Everyone gets solo's so it's ALL GUUUD! And Rii-tan sounds AMAZING <3

[Rating and other thoughts]
9/10 really good pv, one of the best!

Song- Kimagure Princess 「気まぐれプリンセス」
Artist- モーニング娘。
Members at the time- Takahashi Ai, Niigaki Risa, Kamei Eri, Michishige Sayumi, Tanaka Reina, Kusumi Koharu, Mitsui Aika, Junjun, Linlin

Smexy. Haha that's all I can say

SMEXY! You seriously need to watch the subbed video, oh god I've fallen in love with this song XDDDD

Obviously amazing. I now have a thirst for Gaki OwO

[Rating and other thoughts]
10/10! Great ending single for koharu "MY CHARMING BUTT!" XD

Song- ○○ Ganbaranakutemo Eenende!! 「○○ がんばらなくてもええねんで!!」
Artist- S/mileage
Members at the time- Wada Ayaka, Kanon Fukuda, Maeda Yuuka, and Ogawa Saki

Suuuper cute! But QUITE similar to Yume Miru 15sai..

Wota paradise? Short skirts and kicking their legs up high.. >.>"

Sweet, cute, innocent.. ^^"

[Rating and other thoughts]
8/10. Next time wear pants


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

C-ute Favorites

MY HANDS HURT XDDDDDDDDD This will be brief because I want it to be.

1. Suzuki Airi
- Explained.

2. Okai Chisato
- Great, great, great, voice. One of the cutest in H!P. So happy and sweet. You gotta love her.

3. Nakajima Saki
- Amazing dancer, cute voice, pretty girl.

4. Yajima Maimi
- Good dancer, in amazing shape, pretty, okay voice

5. Umeda Erika
- Pretty, Nice voice.. idk what else. (I just like her cause' I saw her kick in a soku dakishimete performance and it was amazing <3)

6. Arihara Kanna
- I think she's odd looking, but I'm excited for her 1st pb XD Hehehehe

7. Hagiwara Mai
- Oh Maimai..... I like her more than I used to, but still.. don't like her.

Berryz Kobo Favorites

I'm in a blogging mood =__=" Momok will have lots to read hahahaha

1. Sudou Maasa

2. Sugaya Risako

3. Natsuyaki Miyabi

4. Tsugunaga Momoko
- Used to be #1, but then she went down due to "faked cuteness" but I still adore her. Ohh so amazing in Buono <3

5. Shimizu Saki
- I love Captain. She's really cute, and Junjun loves her too! XD She's a GREAT leader, and oh goodness, just adore her!

6. Tokunaga Chinami
- "Haaro mai name is Chinami Tokunaga ahh.. I raik.. Miyabi... mai garlfriend" ohh Chinami how I will never forget that <3 She was my favorite when I first found BK (but was quickly over thrown by Momochii XD) Oh Chinami's legs <3 Amazing XD

7. Kumai Yurina
- I HATE HER! Lolz, kidding! I think Yurina is BEAUTIFUL. (hate her cheeky-bones-though) but I just put her last to piss off Bananacho! :) I really don't dislike any H!P pplz XD

Morning Musume Favorites

YAY! There is my rankings :3 (AND YES I DID THIS WITH KOHA BWAHAHAHAHA! I don't care if she's gone, she's still in my heart)

1. Kusumi Koharu

2. Linlin
- AGAIN ALREADY EXPLAINED! I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Linlin WHY MUST SHE LEAVE!?

3. Tanaka Reina
- UGH. Explained. My Yankii Prince KYAHA!

4. Michishige Sayumi
- EXPLAINED. Kawaii Sayumin

5. Mitsui Aika
- AHA! One I haven't explained. I did NOT like Mitsui, but then me and my friend realized we didn't like her cause' her hair cut! Other than that Mitsui's great! Her voice isn't good, but I still like her.. In MM's new Hawaii PB she looked AMAZING!

6. Niigaki Risa
- I had issues placing Risa. At first she was 8th, and then 7th, 5th, and now she's FIRM at 6. (or 5 without Koha.. or 4 without Linlni D:) She's kinda boring at times, but at others I adore her! I really want her new pb ^^"

7. Junjun
- My panda! Junjun is great! She's just not always at the front of my attention, and sometimes I'm just like "oh.. Junjun.. I was too busy looking at Tanakachii" XD Sorry Jun fans, she just never goes BAM! in my head XD I still love her though! I'll miss her :(

8. Kamei Eri
- I thought of putting her higher cause' she's leaving, but that wouldn't be fair! XD Eri was my favorite for a while, but then I was like "why do I like her again?" XD Eri is cute, sweet, funny, sexy, and everything you could wish for.. I just don't adore her ^^"

9. Takahashi Ai
- Ohhhh the trashy swimsuit queen appears! DO NOT GET ME WRONG I LOVE AI-CHAN! She's just been kinda BORING lately. Maybe she's depressed from all these graduations? Idk, when she was younger she pwned, and she's still got SOME of it, but idk.. She just landed in last XDDDDDD

My Hello! Project Ranking (August 2010)


1. Kusumi Koharu
- A lot of people are like "OMG KOHARU HAS A HORRIBLE VOICE AND HORRIBLE TEETH AND SHE'S SUCH A WHORE!", I agree with the teeth, but come on.. Have you HEARD Sayumi's voice? Way worse. And I mean COME ON, there have always been H!P girls who can't sing, why hate on my kawaii little Koharu? Well I like her because she's so genki, and cute, and just fun to watch... She's also beautiful, and I think her voice is cute and I personally enjoy it. AND NO I AM NOT DEAF. I love my Koha no matter what. BEST GIRL EVER!

2. Linlin
- Oh my darling Linlin.. Why does Tsunku have to make you leave? I hope she has an AMAZING career in China <3 I will totally buy anything she's in. When I first got into MM I HATED LINLIN. And Koharu XD But I think my #2 spot is cursed. Right after Koharu was #2/#1 she was announced to graduate. Then same with Linlin. But she's #1 in my current MM now.. Because I'm so sad probably XD Anyways, amazing voice and so BEAUTIFUL. Like not cute, just beautiful.. maybe even sexy! I had always DREAMED of a Linlin pb, but now that she's leaving I don't get one. ARG!

3. Sudou Maasa
- Lately I haven't been LOVING her, but I know that I like her.. I mean she's the prettiest member of H!P (to me) and her voice is KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLER! Like the best out of the H!P kids. GO MAASA!

4. Tanaka Reina
- Reina was #1 in my MM for a while, but then I decided Linlin was better. XD JUST like Linlin and Koharu I used to hate Reina.. But then I grew to like her :) I do think she over does it with the winking sometimes, but I mean she's adore able! What's not to love? EXACTLY. Hahaha

5. Suzuki Airi
- AGAIN. I didn't like Airi at first. I thought she was a stupid line whore. But Buono made me love her XD Her personality frickin kills. I don't really LOVE her voice, but I like it. Also she's pretty :3 JUST HATE HER TEETH XD

6. Yaguchi Mari
-Nyaguchi Mari! God she's so cute even though she's.. 21-29 idk XD Haha I love her voice, it's like AMAZING. And she's so tiny! Who doesn't like Yagu? Exactly.

7. Michishige Sayumi
- Just starting liking her really. I know earlier I said "BAD VOICE!~" which I still stand by, as much as I like her, her voice fails at life. But she has improved of course we all know that. Definitely a pretty one :)

8. Sugaya Risako
- Now she was my #1 for a LONG time. But then I got tired of her, but now I'm back on Rii-tan. Her song "REAL LOVE" is amazing. God she would kick some ass as a soloist! But BK with out Rii-tan? Yea that'd fail. And as you might be able to tell, I like the H!P members that aren't STICKS. You may be like "WHAT ABOUT blah blah blah" well they are an exception. Sayumi used to be chubby and GOD I LOVED HER LIKE THAT. She's too skinny now -__-" But she's probably happy at that size.. anyways, she was cuter at like sexy 8 beat times. hahahaha but yes I like the h!p girls with a little bit of MEAT on them XD

9. Natsuyaki Miyabi
- AGAIN. At first I hated her (Aa! used to be my top 3 hated h!p members.. look now XD) I think she's TOO cute. I love her as a kid, and with short hair. HATE THE EXTENSIONS. Really hate them. XD But yea, good voice too!

10. Maeda Yuuka
- BEST IN S/MILEAGE! People don't like her voice, but I like it. It's weird and cute! It's like a different version of Momoko's and Yossie's. You may be like "YOSSIE?" yes Yossie has a WEIRD voice, it's awesome, but it's weird. Yuuka's is cute, Yossie's is mature. GOSH. XD I'm so excited about her 1st pb, I'm getting it for X-mas! YAY!

LOLZ FOR THE LACK OF C-ute! XD I really don't like C-ute members that much.. But I do love Chisato btwz. She's amazing XDDDDDDD MM stole this XD UP NEXT IS MY RANKINGS FOR ALL THE GROUPS! (each alone)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So today I cleaned my closet :)

It took me like 2 hours. And it was like 3 garbage bags FULL of stuff. It was my things ages 7-10, any younger than that has already been disposed of. I'm so GLAD I'm going to have all my closet space to do whatever I like with from now on! YAY!

But all day I've been feeling SICK. Like really sick. Sore stomach, stomach making weird sounds, nausea, etc..? Ugh I just feel crappy. I hope I don't barf...

Anyways YAY FOR CLOSET SPACE! Now I'll have a lot more room to put my extra stuff! Hehehehe, btwz I don't put clothes in my closet really XD I have two dressers (and my extra bed.. and a laundry basket...)

Yea as said before, I'm kinda a rich kid. But WHATEVER! And YAY ERI IS GETTING A PB BEFORE SHE LEAVES! Junjun and Linlin need one too! TSUNKU GIVE THEM ONE, ONEGAI! And also let me into MM ;3 YAY! I sent in my audition form so yea... I wonder if I'll make the first cut..? :D

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Sucks= Kamei Eri, Linlin, and Junjun are graduating. :( NO LINLIN PB! This is shit! So I'm really sad and stuffs..

Rocks= 9th Generation auditions, and baby I'm auditioning! IDC if I'm american! I'll audition anyways!

Sorry for short blog post! bye bye!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Package (part 2) WOO HOO!

CD's in plastic wrap

Sudou Maasa photocard

Kusumi Koharu Balalaika CD

Milkyway Anataboshi CD

Morning Musume Nanchatte Renai CD

Kusumi Koharu Papancake CD

Guardians 4 Going On! CD

S/mileage Yume Miru 15sai CD

Buono! Rottara Rottara CD

Tanaka Reina Shoujo S PB

Kusumi Koharu Pin Up poster

Linlin Pin up poster

lotsa stuff XD (gomen for making it two parts.. stuff wasn't working XD)

Package (part 1) WOO HOO!

Okay so I got my first package today :3 (3-4 more are too come...)

I took pictures of everything, and omg I was SO excited for this and kya kya kyaaaa it's amazing! :DDDD

Friday, August 6, 2010

To save MomoK from boredum.. I guess?

Yes MomoK yelled at me and told me I needed a new blog post because apparently she actually reads my blog.. I thought no one did haha XD

So have you heard YuiKaori's 2nd single "VIVIVID PARTY!" ?
It's awesome! Yui is super cute, and Kaori is like.. omg beautiful! Now I BELIEVE they are akb48 girls, and personally I hate all akb girls (other than Yuk and Mayu tooo cute!) The song is catchy but omg, that Micheal Jackson impersonator is SO FUCKING SCARY! Dude I can't even watch the whole video because of him o.o"

As we all know C-ute is releasing a new single soon, I like the beginning of it, but the chorus is.. eh, and I hate the pv. Sorry, but I hate it. The dresses on the covers of the single are so pretty, but I hate the pv outfits. Well maybe the full version will be good.

Currently I'm listening to CN Blue songs, and god they're amazing. Like seriously? They are too good. I'm listening to the song "One Time" it's in like all english, but it's hard to understand, but it makes it a MILLION times cuter <3


F.T. Island

But I do love F.T. Island, like a lot. XD They just DO IT FOR ME :D Like H!P is good, and it's catchy and it's my DREAM, but dude I need something that's not H!P too... Like Takahashi Ai (and I think Tanaka Reina) are bigbang fans! :3 So yeaaa.. But actually my most played song on my iPod is CN Blue's love XD 21 plays (and I just had to re-do my iTunes like a month or so ago, so yea XD)

F.T. Island? CN Blue? SHINee? News? Kat-tun? Hey! Say! Jump? Super Junior? MBLAQ? What boy band does IT for you XDDDD