Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Friday, August 6, 2010

To save MomoK from boredum.. I guess?

Yes MomoK yelled at me and told me I needed a new blog post because apparently she actually reads my blog.. I thought no one did haha XD

So have you heard YuiKaori's 2nd single "VIVIVID PARTY!" ?
It's awesome! Yui is super cute, and Kaori is like.. omg beautiful! Now I BELIEVE they are akb48 girls, and personally I hate all akb girls (other than Yuk and Mayu tooo cute!) The song is catchy but omg, that Micheal Jackson impersonator is SO FUCKING SCARY! Dude I can't even watch the whole video because of him o.o"

As we all know C-ute is releasing a new single soon, I like the beginning of it, but the chorus is.. eh, and I hate the pv. Sorry, but I hate it. The dresses on the covers of the single are so pretty, but I hate the pv outfits. Well maybe the full version will be good.

Currently I'm listening to CN Blue songs, and god they're amazing. Like seriously? They are too good. I'm listening to the song "One Time" it's in like all english, but it's hard to understand, but it makes it a MILLION times cuter <3


F.T. Island

But I do love F.T. Island, like a lot. XD They just DO IT FOR ME :D Like H!P is good, and it's catchy and it's my DREAM, but dude I need something that's not H!P too... Like Takahashi Ai (and I think Tanaka Reina) are bigbang fans! :3 So yeaaa.. But actually my most played song on my iPod is CN Blue's love XD 21 plays (and I just had to re-do my iTunes like a month or so ago, so yea XD)

F.T. Island? CN Blue? SHINee? News? Kat-tun? Hey! Say! Jump? Super Junior? MBLAQ? What boy band does IT for you XDDDD

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