Favorite KOREAN Boy Band?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Hello! Project Ranking (August 2010)


1. Kusumi Koharu
- A lot of people are like "OMG KOHARU HAS A HORRIBLE VOICE AND HORRIBLE TEETH AND SHE'S SUCH A WHORE!", I agree with the teeth, but come on.. Have you HEARD Sayumi's voice? Way worse. And I mean COME ON, there have always been H!P girls who can't sing, why hate on my kawaii little Koharu? Well I like her because she's so genki, and cute, and just fun to watch... She's also beautiful, and I think her voice is cute and I personally enjoy it. AND NO I AM NOT DEAF. I love my Koha no matter what. BEST GIRL EVER!

2. Linlin
- Oh my darling Linlin.. Why does Tsunku have to make you leave? I hope she has an AMAZING career in China <3 I will totally buy anything she's in. When I first got into MM I HATED LINLIN. And Koharu XD But I think my #2 spot is cursed. Right after Koharu was #2/#1 she was announced to graduate. Then same with Linlin. But she's #1 in my current MM now.. Because I'm so sad probably XD Anyways, amazing voice and so BEAUTIFUL. Like not cute, just beautiful.. maybe even sexy! I had always DREAMED of a Linlin pb, but now that she's leaving I don't get one. ARG!

3. Sudou Maasa
- Lately I haven't been LOVING her, but I know that I like her.. I mean she's the prettiest member of H!P (to me) and her voice is KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLER! Like the best out of the H!P kids. GO MAASA!

4. Tanaka Reina
- Reina was #1 in my MM for a while, but then I decided Linlin was better. XD JUST like Linlin and Koharu I used to hate Reina.. But then I grew to like her :) I do think she over does it with the winking sometimes, but I mean she's adore able! What's not to love? EXACTLY. Hahaha

5. Suzuki Airi
- AGAIN. I didn't like Airi at first. I thought she was a stupid line whore. But Buono made me love her XD Her personality frickin kills. I don't really LOVE her voice, but I like it. Also she's pretty :3 JUST HATE HER TEETH XD

6. Yaguchi Mari
-Nyaguchi Mari! God she's so cute even though she's.. 21-29 idk XD Haha I love her voice, it's like AMAZING. And she's so tiny! Who doesn't like Yagu? Exactly.

7. Michishige Sayumi
- Just starting liking her really. I know earlier I said "BAD VOICE!~" which I still stand by, as much as I like her, her voice fails at life. But she has improved of course we all know that. Definitely a pretty one :)

8. Sugaya Risako
- Now she was my #1 for a LONG time. But then I got tired of her, but now I'm back on Rii-tan. Her song "REAL LOVE" is amazing. God she would kick some ass as a soloist! But BK with out Rii-tan? Yea that'd fail. And as you might be able to tell, I like the H!P members that aren't STICKS. You may be like "WHAT ABOUT blah blah blah" well they are an exception. Sayumi used to be chubby and GOD I LOVED HER LIKE THAT. She's too skinny now -__-" But she's probably happy at that size.. anyways, she was cuter at like sexy 8 beat times. hahahaha but yes I like the h!p girls with a little bit of MEAT on them XD

9. Natsuyaki Miyabi
- AGAIN. At first I hated her (Aa! used to be my top 3 hated h!p members.. look now XD) I think she's TOO cute. I love her as a kid, and with short hair. HATE THE EXTENSIONS. Really hate them. XD But yea, good voice too!

10. Maeda Yuuka
- BEST IN S/MILEAGE! People don't like her voice, but I like it. It's weird and cute! It's like a different version of Momoko's and Yossie's. You may be like "YOSSIE?" yes Yossie has a WEIRD voice, it's awesome, but it's weird. Yuuka's is cute, Yossie's is mature. GOSH. XD I'm so excited about her 1st pb, I'm getting it for X-mas! YAY!

LOLZ FOR THE LACK OF C-ute! XD I really don't like C-ute members that much.. But I do love Chisato btwz. She's amazing XDDDDDDD MM stole this XD UP NEXT IS MY RANKINGS FOR ALL THE GROUPS! (each alone)

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